Our Training Philosophy


Why training?

Why Training

At Glenfield, we firmly believe that without a constant focus on management education and skills, there can be no sustainable development. Education and training translate into development, and education and training are essential prerequisites for that development. A sufficient level of education and training helps every individual overcome the challenges of life and business. Effective training structures are therefore a precondition for management development. In the world of commerce, competent, professional, well-educated and trained staff is key for the success of every company and institution. Businesses often lament how new staff is ill-prepared to deal with professional life, that they exhibit a lack of technical expertise and interpersonal skills and have poorly developed critical thinking abilities. Developing demand-oriented competence is therefore a crucial aspect for a successful and sustainable institutional growth and development.

glenfield methodology

AAA Training Model


At Glenfield, we have applied the banking Triple A (AAA) concept and positioned it as the central pillar of our training philosophy and strategy. The AAA designation is the highest standard of investment grade worthiness is only granted to those considered to have an extremely strong capacity to meet their commitments, and a designation given only to the very best.  At Glenfield, it is both our ambition and our intention to deliver this “Triple A” quality and standard of training to our clients: only the best of the very best is acceptable

Triple A Methodology

The acquired learning can be practically applied by participants in their workplace. In other words, the training content and the learning delivered is relevant for their needs, – their issues, their challenges and the solutions they seek. Applicability simply means a) relevant and b) usable.

a) affordable for the company and b) understandable for the participants. Our training is delivered by experienced practitioners who know the primacy of achieving ‘understanding’ in the learning process and it is competitively priced. Learner’s understanding is the foundation is in place for him/ her to convert knowledge to action and achieve change. This is what we call ‘accessible’ training.

Training that is focused on taking actions and delivering results in the workplace, as a consequence of acquired learning. Conversion is the key: providing participants with the knowledge, understanding and the confidence to convert new learning into actions and new behaviours in the workplace is what ‘action-centred’ training is all about. We support the maxim that ‘theory is a not a waste of time” and training ‘should be all practical’ but in addition to first understand the ‘why and the what’ of the subject before accomplishing the ‘how’. Appropriate “theory” is the foundation stone for good practice and our action centred philosophy is based on the premise that good theory provides good understanding and the necessary confidence for the learning to convert to behaviours and actions.

our team

Glenfield Trainers


All the members of the Glenfeld team adhere to the highest standards, share the same values and principles of best practices, and while under the same leadership, they have implemented a large number of successful projects, creating some of the most successful financial and management mechanisms in this part of the world. Glenfield Training and Consulting is an authorized and certified consulting company by the EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) and ETF (European Training Foundation), for providing consulting services in the areas of financial management, organization and business strategy, human resource management, as well as creation and implementation of training for middle and senior management.

Gojko Vučinić

Finansije i Menadžment


Anđela Lazarević

Upravljanje znanjem


Miloš Aleksić




Hundreds of trainings, thousands of participants


Guided by values and applying the best international practices, we strive to provide a special and customized approach in every project, enabling our services and solutions to fully match the needs of our clients. We solve challenges together, carefully analyzing needs and key business segments to be improved,  guided by the aim of sustainable development and progress. Such an approach, methodology and experience in transforming the best practices into applicable knowledge and skills, confirmed by the results, makes Glenfield the first choice of development and financial institutions and SMEs/corporations for capacity building, support in building structures or implementing complex growth and development programs.